Basketball wear should be convenient for both hands to exercise. The sleeves should not be too long for basketball players. The sleeves will affect the angle of their arms (some volleyball players will roll up the sleeves when spiking), but football does not need to worry about this. a little.
Another point is that the football game is outdoors, which can regulate the impact of the weather on the players (such as heat preservation), but the basketball hall with a constant temperature does not need it. Basketball clothing tops have no sleeves, or simply vest styles. Football tops are short-sleeved. Basketball shorts vary in length, some will reach the knees, and some will show thighs, depending on the different team uniforms. Basketball socks are generally They are not too long, while the football socks are very long. Basketball shoes protect the ankle joint better from the appearance. From the structure point of view, the design of the shoes for players playing in different positions is different. The main reason is the shock absorber. If you are playing forwards or attacking defenders, the shoes will be designed to be very helpful for starting and stopping.
The biggest difference between football shoes and basketball shoes is the studs on the soles. Running on the green field is better. There are many protective gears for basketball, including headbands, face protectors, tooth protectors, shoulder pads, wrists, elbows, and ankles. , Knees, fingers, etc. There are very few football protective gears, the most common is shin guards.